Possible Bandstand Performance

The Kearsarge Community Band is considering having a small (6 to 10 players) gather on/around the New London Bandstand to play Christmas Carols in the weeks leading up to the holiday.  We would sight-read out of the Rubank Christmas Carol books, and likely play for no more than one hour.  This would be a weather permitting (and public health permitting) event.  We do have provisional approval from the New London Board of Selectmen to do this. We would maintain ample social distancing between players, and if we have more interest  in players than space, would rotate out players between numbers.  We would also suggest that potential participants have a Covid test a few days prior to the performance date.

We’re asking band members to indicate their interest and availability using the form below*. If there is sufficient interest, we will send out an Email with details prior to the performance date.

* Don’t forget to click SUBMIT at the end.

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